Monday, May 14, 2007

Content-Centric Security-CCS a new approach

A new approach to security is evolving with the development of what is called as Content-Centric Security-CCS. CCS is a self-authenticating content utilized, proprietary means to embed data and logical content within content that securely binds files with embedded crypto elements. Thus CCS is a new way to solve most of the problems associated with conventional network-centric security.
As we know all networks face the difficult problem of authenticating participants, trust levels, devices, applications, and content. Existing state-of-art authentication procedures are based on centralized authorities and are very poorly suited to end-node and cross domain exchange. CCS substantially simplifies existing authentication methodologies through a novel solution to cope with growing privacy concerns, amounts and types of digital content, the number of people and assigned trust levels of those participating, and the variety of devices required to support “Security to the Edge” strategies, including; security management infrastructure, trusting the edge, secure mobility, enterprise health, and especially,assured information sharing. CCS complements centralized authentication security approaches such as Public-Key Infrastructure (PKI) and other access and permission systems.
Global Uni-Docs Corporation located in Dallas, TX is one of the companies that has products based on proprietary Content-Centric Security™ (CCS) software technology.

1 comment:

Sam Tam said...

CCS is a very interesting approach and I have been very impressed with the method taken. It uses a multi-pass bit structure to form logical content and a multi-pass, plus one, to retrieve it. CCS has a real potential of becoming an open source solution that secures and audits the life-cycle of content. Let's see more.