Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Trends in Email, Web, and Malware Threats

The June report on Trends in Email, Web, and Malware Threats by Secure Computing® Research is out and here are the key findings;

Spam Volume
Mail volumes remained stable in June with malicious messages making up 85.0% of all email, a 0.57% increase from May. At the end of the month, the Storm Worm gang has released a new variant of the stock spam, unleashing millions of emails with images wrapped up as PDF attachments.

Trojans continue to dominate the malware category, accounting for almost 96% of all newly discovered malware. Windows Executables remain the most popular vector for distributing these new attacks.

An average of 236,540 new zombies were detected daily in June, a 32.3% decrease from May.

Web Threats
An average of 12,436 total new malicious Web sites were detected in June, a 31.28% decrease from the prior month.


dusman said...

Spam will never stop, for every tactic used to prevent it there will always be someone that comes up with a newer better way to send spam. It is disturbing, but I think we will live with spam in some form forever, much like your snail mail still gets spam everyday as well.

Another great site is at Everything Computers


Armand Rousso said...

Spam will end the day we start to pay for each and every mail we send as proposed by Bill Gates. But, the fact that people won't accept it.

Armand Rousso

Anonymous said...

I love your idea Armand Rousso to pay to receive your email. We would be carefull to avoid Spam...