Antimatter is the mirror image of ordinary matter and both should have been created in equal quantities at the birth of the Universe. That everything around is predominantly ordinary matter is therefore a major puzzle.
For years researchers have wanted to create significant amounts of antimatter to test the so-called Standard Model, which describes fundamental particles and their interactions. Antimatter is destroyed whenever it collides with matter, turning both into bursts of radiation. Today, the Universe consists of predominantly one form of matter and scientists are not sure why this is so.
Physicists say they have mass produced antimatter, a crucial first step towards precision studies of its properties that may help solve one of the greatest mysteries of the Universe.
Antihydrogen has been made before, but only a few atoms at a time. Researchers at Cern (Cern is the European Organisation for Nuclear Research) accelerator were have successfully created antiprotons and trapped them in a vacuum chamber in the past. A radioactive source was used to create positrons, which were held in a separate trap. The antiprotons were then fed into the pool of positrons, where the two combined to form antihydrogen.
Making antiprotons requires 10 billion times more energy than it produces. For example, the antimatter produced each year at Cern could power a 100 watt light bulb for just 15 minutes.So using using antimatter to power a starship or create a weapon is still in the realm of science fiction.
I've always wondered what anti-matter was, this is a great post! I love it :)
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